The E-world in Essen/Germany has been an integral part of the 2G Energy AG trade fair calendar for 15 years. The trade fair has now...
From sewage sludge to heat and power In the Swiss canton of Baselland, sewage sludge is used to generate electricity and heat. A...
Tim Wieling is in his second year of training as an industrial business management assistant and completed an internship in the USA...
The heat transition, which is essential for climate protection, cannot be achieved in private boiler rooms alone. Industrial and commercial...
In August, 2G Energy AG was a proud participant the US delegation trip of North Rhine-Westphalia's Deputy Prime Minister Mona...
How has your award-winning CHP system, the agenitor 406, developed over time? Frank Grewe: We have worked on many aspects of the...
After the number of requests for company tours from companies, sports clubs, political parties etc. has continuously increased in...
On June 4th The annual general meeting of 2G Energy AG took place in Ahaus. In front of around 200 participating shareholders, the...
Fundamentally restructured processes, standardized products: Kaizen approach creates sustainably dependable, rule-based structures....
German premier in Eastern Bavarian town Amberg: a natural gas CHP was converted to run purely on hydrogen. The system is being used...
The company Benning Agrar-Energie from the municipality of Reken operates combined heat and power systems with buffer tanks and combines...
With the pan-European commitment to climate neutrality by 2050, the European Green Deal has a clearly defined objective. However,...
The utility company Stadtwerk Haßfurt exemplifies the role that hydrogen can play on the local level of the energy transition. Their...
The story of 2G Energy began with oil-fueled combined heat and power systems for the agricultural sector. The transition to biogas...
The Vereinigte Stadtwerke GmbH is an association of public utility companies around Ratzeburg in Schleswig-Holstein. They run an energy...
In 2022, 2G donated a sandbag filling machine to the Technisches Hilswerk Helfervereinigung Ahaus e.V – a local aid group. These aid...
Ullrich “Ulli” Brinkmann is a renowned specialist for refrigeration and industrial-scale heat pumps. On February 01st, Ulli joined...
In the context of the global decarbonization of energy markets, hydrogen is gaining increasing importance. Therefore, 2G is particularly...
At the very start of October, companies all over Heek’s commercial districts opened their doors to interested people from across the...
The actual anniversary of the 2G Energy AG was in the Fall of 2020. However, the COVID pandemic prevented us from celebrating accordingly...
Today, the portfolio contains products and services for target groups all over the world. It was in the spring of 1995, when a highly...
Having its roots in the German biogas sector, 2G has since become a combined heat and power systems (CHP) manufacturer operating on...
In May 2023, 2G was represented at the E-World in Essen. E-World is one of the key European trade fairs for the energy industry. Together...
Last month we had around 60 colleagues from our international 2G partners from all over the world as guests in Heek: three days with...
Ensuring that at least 80% of the electricity demand be covered by renewable energies by the end of the decade is a critical target...
On 03/23 2G was the proud host of the board meeting of the German Renewable Energy Federation (BIENE) in Heek. A great opportunity...
Remeha is synonymous to the highest degree of competence in planning and engineering solutions and systems for heating and hot water...
With approximately 1876 km² (over 640 square miles), Eglin Air Force Base in northwest Florida is the largest US Air Force base in...
Beate Niehoff is responsible for the planning and organization of customer events, webinars and various information events at 2G....
For almost 15 years now, the g-box line by 2G Energy AG has been a staple of reliable and robust energy supply in an output range...
Since 1993, the “Innovationspreis Münsterland” (Innovation Prize of the Münsterland region) is awarded to companies, universities...
2G exists because of hard-working people who are dedicated to the energy transition. A cornerstone of our business growth is the professional...
Over time, the E-World energy & water in Essen has developed into a meeting point for the European energy industry. From June...
Over the years, the 2G Energy AG has successfully incorporated external sales and service partners to ensure an elevated degree of...
Just a few days ago, the 2G Energy AG shareholders have been allocated plenty of new share in consequence of a decision passed at...
The current energy policy is also causing discussions and speculations on the capital market. In an interview with 4investors, 2G...
At the start of the year, 2G and its local partners Technis Co. Ltd. and Fuji Electric Co. installed a hydrogen cogeneration system...
Across Europe, the planning and construction of the "hydrogen backbone" are well underway. Consequently, the GET H2 Nukleus pipeline...
The role of cogeneration is changing in the wake of the global expansion of wind and solar energy. In the latest issue of the trade...
Aspiring to further expand the efficient production of biomethane throughout the world, the French company Prodeval and 2G Energy...
16 stops on a 380 km journey from Münster, across the Westmünsterland region and the Ruhr valley, to Düsseldorf were chosen by 50...
Over recent years, containerized solutions by 2G have developed into serial guarantors of the immense quality standards of our products...
Thanks to global digitalization, knowledge and information are increasingly significant and therefore more at risk of being attacked....
Veranstaltet durch die Fachzeitschrift Euro Heat and Power, wurden in diesem Jahr erneut die Best of Energy Days organisiert. Eingeladen...
Municipal energy utilities have an important role to play in implementing the energy transition. In the current issue of the trade...
Over the past few years, hydrogen has become a global hype subject. 2G has already been pushing the development of H2 CHP for over...
The crisis in Ukraine has led to widespread calls for the European Union to accelerate its energy transition, increasing the uptake...
Fourstones Sapphire Paper Mill in Glenrothes, Fife were looking at ways to reduce both their energy costs and operational costs, our...
At the beginning of April, prior to the state election in North-Rhine Westphalia, about 60 cyclists from the Münsterland, 2G’s home...
Einmal im Monat vergibt die renommierte Fachzeitschrift „Energie und Management“ den Titel des „BHKW des Monats“. Im April 2022 wurde...
Unsere g-box Baureihe hat sich in den letzten Jahren in verschiedensten Anwendungsfällen bewährt: sei es in der Industrie, in Pflegeeinrichtungen...