Manufacturing industry
Where goods are produced, energy is consumed. This applies to industrial operations producing in shifts and whose machines are therefore running all night and even on weekends. The conditions could not be more suited to the use of combined heat and energy production: The continuously high energy demands, consisting of electricity and thermal energy, of manufacturing businesses makes cogeneration by 2G their ideal partner.
Cogeneration for the manufacturing industry
Efficiency that creates new opportunities
The cogeneration technology's uniquely high degree of efficiency is its key to success. In practical terms, this means that up to 98% of the primary energy are used effectively. A fact that may even benefit the final product since more energy saved during production means greater ecological demands fulfilled. This, in turn, can be sued to positively influence public perception and even to increase the product's intrinsic value.
Chemical and pharmaceutical companies
Nowadays, the manufacturing processes of the chemical and pharmaceutical sector are dominated by advanced technologies. Not only do combined heat and power systems by 2G supply all the necessary types of energy, from electricity over hot water to steam and cool air, but they also fulfill the companies' requirement of immediacy.

Feed manufacturers
Energy costs amount to up to 15% of the total costs of feed production. Cleaning processes are responsible for a significant proportion of these costs and then there are the different processing stages at different temperatures and the mandatory cold chains. The demand for various energies and the installations' enormous degree of utilization constitute perfect conditions for the application of combined heat and power systems.

Synthetic materials industry
Besides consuming a significant amount of energy, the processing of synthetic materials also produces it in the form of high temperatures that are created by drilling and milling as well as during other processes. To avoid a loss of quality and an excessive material wear due to overheating, constant cooling is required. Combined with an absorption cooler, a 2G CHP can provide the required energy while being incredibly cost-efficient.

Paper industry
Paper was among the first products to attract public scrutiny. Among other things, you need heat and steam to produce paper. Considering these two facts, it is especially beneficial for this industry to invest in cogeneration since it improves the ecological balance awhile lowering energy costs.

Metal industry
From milling to electroplating machines - an astonishing variety of machines with high energy demands is involved in metal processing. A specifically conceptualized combined heat and power system by 2G provides the exact type of energy required and even enables particular thermal oil applications.

Good planning is half the battle
For a successful investment, the right planning of the cogeneration system is essential. With the right degree of utilization, the investment will be amortized within a few years and can therefore sustainably increase the company's competitiveness.
This self-produced energy also shelters you from the impact of rising energy prices and used as emergency power generator the system can uphold production during power outages.