Health and care
With their electricity and heat demand structure hospitals and care facilities are predestined for the use of combined heat and power production. The energy consumption is steep year-round, and the days follow a routine. During winter, the premises are heated and during summer, they use air-conditioning, hot water is used in the bathrooms and the laundry, among other things. Furthermore, medical devices are used every day in the hospital. At the end of the day, this means that such facilities must be able to come up with substantial sums to survive. But that's not all: These facilities are under immense competitive and cost pressure – which will only increase.
Cogeneration in hospitals and care facilities
Economic efficiency meets security of supply
Energy costs are an important means of economic optimization A combined heat and power system by 2G provides the key technology for this optimization since it does not only cover the entire range of energy demands with remarkable efficiency and without damaging the climate, but it also seamlessly integrates into the existing energy supply concept (in combination with photovoltaics or a heat pump, for example).