Once a g-box, always a g-box
The first g-box ever installed is disconnected from the mains and is replaced by a new g-box
Facts & figures

Actually, he did not want to give it up. Indeed: “It worked very reliably over the last eleven and a half years.” On October 20, 2005, Michael Wilimzig received the very first g-box 50 at the Münster municipal works in Roxel-Nord from Christian Grotholt, the current chair of 2G Energy AG. The Münster municipal works participated in the development of the g-box. On March 22, 2017, exactly 84,737 operating hours later, Michael Wilimzig is back for replacement of the plant with integrated calorific value utilization with the latest compact g-box 50 CHP. The task of the compact power plant is unchanged: It continues to supply 250 homes in the neighborhood with heat, “incidentally” generates electricity and spares the environment from massive quantities of CO2 emissions. Due to its excellent efficiency of 106%, the first g-box saved 1,058 tons of CO2 over the past eleven and a half years.