Fun and responsibility
CHP is a component of the energy supply at Europa-Park
Facts & figures

At the triangle where Germany, France and Switzerland come together lies one of the most beautiful leisure parks in the world. Over 5 million visitors from all nations enjoy themselves every year at Europa Park and marvel at more than one hundred attractions (including eleven rollercoasters) and the largest connected hotel resort in Germany. But at the same time, energy consumption is to be kept as low as possible.
Europa Park conserves resources
Running the many attractions, shows, workshops and administrative offices at one of the largest fun parks in the world requires large amounts of electrical and thermal energy. Europa Park generally endeavours to handle resources sparingly. For instance, it is making increasing use of energy-saving lights and electric vehicles for transportation. Some of the theme hotels are heated and cooled in the summertime using a ground water heat pump. A 300 m long photovoltaic system produces 280,000 kWh of electricity each year. In addition, the park’s own waterworks produces more than three times as much environmentally friendly energy as that. So the two 2G agenitor power plants are in good company here.

Producing power under the rollercoaster
Each of the two 2G power plants have an electrical output of 220 kW and a thermal output of 253 kW. The total efficiency rating of 85% is plain to see. One agenitor was installed in a concrete sound hood beneath one of the eleven rollercoasters. With its low noise emissions of only 35 dB (A) at a distance of 10 meters, it is hardly noticed. The second agenitor (also noise-insulated) was installed in a compact building of its own in the Portuguese theme area. Both units ensure that temperatures will be pleasant for the hotel guests at all times of the year. A buffer tank stores the surplus thermal energy produced so that it can be used at any time as needed.