Pools and leisure
Pools often consume much more energy than meets the eye, high energy consumption means a heavy cost burden, however this can be avoided. The higher the degree of utilisation of a 2G CHP, the greater the long term dividends.
Combined heat and power for pools & leisure
Predestined for savings
The air-conditioning and lighting of the premises, as well as the water treatment for the swimming pools and showers, require huge amounts of electric and thermal energy all year round. A spa, sauna area or exterior swimming pool can create additional expenses, which can create a burden on budgets. This untapped savings potential can be unlocked with a combined heat and power system by 2G.

Many establishments have long since fallen far behind the current standards and consume much more energy than necessary.
This untapped savings potential can be unlocked with a combined heat and power system by 2G. In leisure facilities, any CHP planned and installed by 2G runs at continuously high degrees of utilisation leading to a return on investment after only a few years. Plus, entirely new opportunities for the utilisation of the generated energy can be created by combining the system with a heat accumulator, a steam generator or an absorption cooler. Our tested sound-proofing solutions guarantee an almost silent operation.
Combined heat and power for event locations
Flexibility in every respect
Be it for sports, conventions or concerts: With regards to energy supply issues, especially multi-purpose event locations, such as exhibition halls, must be adaptable to the demand structure of their specific events. Thanks to its versatility and flexibility, CHP perfectly meets the requirements of these event locations and is able to deliver the combined energy as required and all year-round.

The more versatile an event location is, the more it is booked throughout the year – and the energy consumption increases accordingly. The highly efficient generation of electricity and heat enables combined heat and power systems by 2G to lower the energy costs permanently.
What can the combined production of heat and power achieve for you?
Your system solution by the technological leader: Trust in our many years of experience developing innovative supply concepts and tell us what your combined heat and power system by 2G should be able to do.