Plastics processing firm opts for CHP
Georg Utz uses the avus 2000a self-sufficiently if required
Facts & figures

The internationally active Utz Group produces sustainable reusable storage and transport containers made of plastics. Its site in Schüttorf, Germany, employs 500 people. Since plastic production consumes large quantities of energy, Utz decided to produce a portion of the energy it needs in-house using combined heat and power generation.
avus 2000a: the in-house energy provider
Georg Utz GmbH in Schüttorf, Lower Saxony, is the German production facility of the Swiss company Georg Utz Holding AG. The company produces storage and transport containers, palettes, workpiece carriers and technical parts made of reusable plastics. The plant in Schüttorf has existed since 1971 and employs a workforce of 500. The corporation has around 1,000 employees worldwide. Utz places great emphasis on quality and environmental protection. This is reflected firstly in its in-house quality management. Secondly, Utz produces reusable products – entirely in the interest of environmental protection. In the future, it will produce energy in-house with its own combined heat and power system, primarily to help conserve valuable natural resources.

Isolated operation ensures seamless supply
If necessary, the avus 2000a combined heat and power plant can be used self-sufficiently, i.e. completely independently of other electrical energy sources. Known as “island mode operation,” this type of installation provides the company with a continuous supply of electrical energy and – crucial to production – thermal energy completely independently of the
public grid.
The avus 2000a has an electrical output of 2,000 kW and a thermal output of 1,977 kW. The total efficiency level amounts to roughly 86.9% (43.7% electrical and 43.2% thermal). The unit for Utz was installed in a purpose-built machine house on the side of the road opposite the company premises. In addition, a steam generator and absorption chiller were installed in this machine house to supply the Utz production systems with steam and cooling energy. The energy produced is used exclusively by Utz itself.