Innovation connects
Responsibility for mankind and environment
Facts & figures

EMSA GmbH is one of Germany’s most innovative medium-sized companies. This manufacturer of vacuum bottles, food storage containers and other clever kitchen aids and garden items was awarded the title of top innovator in Germany’s medium-sized business sector two times in a row (2014 and 2015). And the company is also equipped with innovative technology when it comes to energy supply: the latest generation of agenitor.
Sustainability determines the whole value chain
EMSA has combined leading brand quality with responsibility for mankind and environment for over 65 years. Sustainability determines the entire value creation chain – from the use of certified raw materials and energy-efficient production
systems to the strictest quality controls.
So it only follows that EMSA also focused on sustainability in its heat and electricity supply and thus decided to use highly efficient combined heat and power technology. For instance, an agenitor at EMSA’s headquarters in the Münsterland town
of Emsdetten produces decentralized electrical energy and heat which is entirely used for internal consumption.

EMSA and RWE: an energy partnership
EMSA has long valued RWE as a competent partner. For instance, it has already had a heat supply contracting agreement in place with RWE Energiedienstleistungen GmbH since 2011. In addition to a modern heating system, RWE has also installed a highly efficient agenitor 406 CHP which runs on natural gas.
The agenitor has an electrical output of 250 kW and a thermal output of 264 kW. 100% of the energy is used for internal consumption, primarily to regulate temperatures in the production halls. The plant is heat-controlled and stores the excess thermal energy in a 10 m³ buffer tank, from which it can be dispensed as needed. With a total efficiency level of over
87%, the CHP is one of the most cost-effective and above all, ecological systems of its kind.