A discrete long-term partner
Maria-Hilf Hospital places CHP in the neighboring car park
Facts & figures

A 2G biogas power plant right in the middle of town
A nearby biogas plant produces climate-neutral power and heat not far from the hospital in Stadtlohn. The excess biogas is routed through a microgas network to the CHP at the hospital about 2 km away. Here, an agenitor 212 decentrally transforms the biogas into power and heat for the hospital. The hospital’s inner-city location and the high building density this entails proved a challenge in carrying out the project. For instance, the planning phase had to factor in not only noise protection requirements, but also the question of how to best integrate the agenitor into its surroundings on a visual level.

Optimal location in the hospital parking structure
While the noise protection requirements were met by using a super-silent concrete sound hood with a wall-thickness of 160 mm (noise emissions of max. 45 dB (A) at a distance of 10 m), there was an equally impressive solution for the installation’s appearance: the concrete sound hood together with the agenitor were inserted into the hospital’s parking structure. To do so, a recess was made in the top deck, through which all of the components were lowered in using a crane. The colour of the concrete sound hood was matched to the colour of the parking structure.