How Victor Valley turns waste into energy and saves millions.

CHP technology uses household and restaurant waste as fuel
Waste becomes energy at Victor Valley. CHP technology saves money and the environment. $9M, 9M kWh, 1.4K tons in 20 years.

Facts & figures

Biogas and biomethane plants
United States
avus 800c
Output el/th (kW):
2 x 800 kWel / 2 x 853 kWth
Victor Valley Wastewater Reclamation Authority

Victor Valley Wastewater Reclamation Authority converts waste into energy , saving millions in rebates. By having CHP, they are both reducing greenhouse gas emissions and helping lower the demand of the power network. The dominant form of waste used at the facility is from homes that flow to the facility but they also accept fats, oils, and grease from the restaurant industry. The Victor Valley community sends 12.3 million gallons of wastewater per day to the treatment plant. 

Expected savings:

  • $9M over the next 20 years
  • 9 million killowatt- hours will be offset from the grid
  • 1,400 tons of waste will be used as energy instead of going to landfill