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avus 1500c supplies energy by using biogas from organic waste
Facts & figures

Essential Consulting Oregon (ECO) based in Eugene OR specializes in anaerobic digestion of organic waste and biogas production among other related offerings. They were the project managers and joint venture partners for the JBC biogas plant facility located on the east side of Hwy 99 south of Junction City OR near the Lane Forest Products site.
The facility is designed to take in food processing and grease trap waste along with grass straw and render heat, biomethane, and a liquid/fiber fertilizer. The biogas will be used onsite to produce enough electricity to power at least 1500 homes (1.55 MW). This site was chosen both for the availability and proximity of feedstock to supply the plant and also the proximity of customers for the fertilizer produced by the process. The electricity will be sold on to the regional grid and the heat can be used both onsite and for some future co-located compatible facility. The anaerobic digester was built by ENTEC biogas GmbH, an Austrian firm with 20 years of experience and 40 full-scale projects operational.
The 2G Cogeneration System is a 2G avus 1550 with fully integrated MWM engine rated 1,550 ekW/h or 12,865 MW p.a. Electrical Power and 1,801 kWh/th of Thermal Power. The module consists of a 50' sound attenuated CHP container. 2G Energy Inc. also supplied the complete gas treatment, including dehumidification with reheating and the H2S removal system. In addition to energy, the digester will be processing manure fiber and rye grass straw.