Energy from manure
Howla Hay Farm uses high-performance 2G CHP system
Facts & figures

Howla Hay Farm is a mixed agricultural operation in Guisborough, in the northeast of England. It doesn’t just dispose of all the manure that builds up from the farming of cattle and pigsinstead, it transforms it into green energy and valuable organic fertiliser.
Green energy: a secure source of revenue
As a mixed agricultural operation, Howla Hay Farm is ideally suited for running a biogas plant. The plant is used to ferment pig and cattle manure, grass and maize silage, as well as fodder beet producing biogas, which is used to run a high-performance agenitor combined heat and power plant. The agenitor 306 generates 250 kW of electricity and 265 kW of heat per hour. The residue left over from the fermentation process is then used on the farm as organic fertilizer.
In light of strict environmental requirements and increasing retail price competition, this ecologically produced energy makes a secure long term source of revenue for the agricultural enterprise.

Plug and play: for rapid installation
The agenitor 306 has an electrical efficiency rating of 41.0% and a thermal efficiency of 47.4%. Its total efficiency rating of 88.4% makes the agenitor highly profitable. Thanks to its high wear-resistant engine components, it is extremely reliable and requires little maintenance.
2G delivered the compact 2G module in a container as a “plug and play” solution. The connections for the gas and power supply are all that have to be provided on location.