Climate-friendly electricity from mine gas
Gazonor invests in six CHP plants with a total output of 10 megawatts
Facts & figures

In the old bituminous coal district in Pas-de-Calais, Gazonor SAS, a subsidiary of French gas producer La Française de l’Énergie, installed six CHP units from 2G with an overall output of 9 MW in four mine gas locations in June 2017. This is the first use of mine gas for power generation by means of combined heat and power generation in France.
2G took on this challenge and was awarded the tender for this large project with an impressive solution.
About 60 million cubic meters of mine gas are collected. This mine gas is used to generate enough electrical power to cover the consumption of 40,000 people. In addition, utilization of the gas helps to minimize the day-to-day safety risks and cuts down on thousands of tons of CO2 emissions each year.
Gazonor has had plans to convert mine gas into electrical power and distribute it over the Enedis network for a long time. The project could now be started with a feed-in tariff for a period of fifteen years.
2G Energie SAS, with its growing team in northern France, will handle the entire life cycle of the project with full maintenance of the installed CHP plants and mine gas compressors.