Agricultural machinery manufacturer saves energy
Amazonen-Werke value efficiency and reliability
Facts & figures

AMAZONEN-Werke, founded in 1883, are specialists in fertilizer spreader, seed drills, soil cultivation technology and crop protection sprayers. Resource conservation and environmental protection play a major role in the traditional company. A combined heat and power plant was therefore put into operation at the main factory at the Hasbergen site near Osnabrück back in 2013: an agenitor 306 with electrical power of 250 kW.
agenitor 306 at the Hasbergen site
The plant produces approx. 1.5 million kWh of electricity every year. The electrical energy generated is all used at the site itself and therefore contributes to self-sufficiency. The heat generated from electricity production is fed to the factory painting facility and used to heat the factory halls. AMAZONEN-Werke cover thirty percent of their heat requirement in this way from their own power plant.
agenitor 408 at the Hude-Altmoorhausen site
The production site in Hude-Altmoorhausen near Oldenburg was also equipped with a combined heat and power plant in mid-2016. An agenitor 408 makes an important contribution to the self-sufficiency of the entire production location here with electrical power of 360 kW and thermal power of 381 kW. The CHP plant was combined with the new KTL and powder coating facility to generate electricity and heat efficiently for the pre-treatment and washing system. The investment in the new paint shop with CHP was the biggest in the company history of AMAZONEN-Werke to date.
Low-noise thanks to sound capsule
The plant was set up in the existing machine houses in Hasbergen and in Hude-Altmoorhausen. In order to reduce noise emissions, it was surrounded by a sound capsule which reduces the background noise to 65 dB (A) at a distance of 10 meters.
Nearly 90% overall efficiency
Both combined heat and power plants make an excellent contribution to climate protection with their high overall efficiency of just under 90 percent. Compared to conventional coal-fired power plants with an overall efficiency of just 35 percent, the use of a CHP plant not only conserves important natural resources, but also significantly curbs the emissions of climate-damaging carbon dioxide.