2G power plant at airy heights
Highly efficient heating for the Talma Borgh senior citizen center
Facts & figures

One project in the Dutch province of Gelderland is an impressive example of how combined heat and power plants don’t always have to be down-to-earth. The Talma Borgh senior citizen center in Apeldoorn has long struggled with the rising prices of electricity and oil. That’s why they decided to go with CHP technology.
Necessity is the mother of invention: the CHP goes on the roof
In order to reduce energy costs over the long term, the Talma Borgh senior center in Apeldoorn decided to use highly efficient heat & power cogeneration and carried out the project in cooperation with a Dutch energy service provider. Since the structural conditions on site prevent installation in the building’s basement, an alternative location for the CHP had to be found. This resulted in an unusual solution: The CHP was installed in a 2G container on the building’s roof. Thanks to careful planning by 2G specialists, the project was executed without a hitch. But the process of placing the plant on the 15-meter-high roof of the senior center still made for a spectacular event.
A patruus provides cosy warmth
The container holds a patruus 140 power plant from 2G: The CHP plant runs on natural gas and is equipped with an aspirated engine, which provided the ideal solution in planning the Talma Borgh project. Thanks to the aspirated engine used, the patruus 140 offers high thermal outputs and efficiency levels. The plant produces an electrical output of 140 kW and a thermal output of 207 kW, thus achieving a thermal efficiency rating of 47.9%. The patruus therefore provides a highly efficient contribution to heat supply at the Talma Borgh senior centre.