Sustainability in paradise
Therme Erding brings leisure fun and ecology in harmony
Facts & figures

Since it opened in 1999, Therme Erding has become one of Germany’s most popular waterparks and attracts more than 1.6 million visitors a year with its total area of 185,000 square meters. In just 15 years, it has grown to become one of the largest waterparks in the world. Therme Erding also focuses on innovation when it comes to energy.
Combined heat & power provides more than just a good feeling
Therme Erding is one of the 50 most successful enterprises in Bavaria. 750 employees in the 14.5 hectare premises make sure that the guests enjoy themselves and that everything runs smoothly. In 2014, Therme Erding was expanded by the addition of a visionary hotel ensemble with wave pool: the Hotel Victory Therme Erding, a gigantic replica of Lord Nelson’s legendary flagship. Part of Therme Erding’s concept is that recreation and ecology stand in harmony with one another throughout the entire complex. So it’s only logical that the park is heading in new directions with heat and energy generation: with highly efficient combined heat and power technology, for instance.
Magnificently economical and climatefriendly
Two avus 800b power plants from 2G do their work behind the extraordinary scenery. The avus 800b has an electrical output of 889 kW and a thermal output of 891 kW. The plants supply decentralized heat and electricity for the Hotel Victory and the wave pool with a radiant total efficiency rating of 86.5 percent. The heat is used to support the heating system and warm up the water in the wave pool. The new plant is owned and operated by STEAG New Energies GmbH in Saarbrücken.