More sustainability on the Montabaur Castle campus
Facts & figures

With over 70,000 overnight stays, Schloss Montabaur is one of the largest hostels in Rhineland-Palatinate. The E.M.E. Group from Bavaria renews and digitizes energy systems and systems in energy-intensive medium-sized companies and finances the measures in the Hotel Schloss Montabaur on its own account.
By concluding a contract with the E.ME. Group, the owner of the castle, the Academy of German Cooperatives (ADG), wants to make an even more active contribution to sustainability in the future. An agenitor 404c was used in this project. In order to reduce the noise in the hotel to an absolute minimum, the 4-cylinder engine in the soundproof version was built into the existing castle building. By using the hydrogen-capable CHP from 2G, CO₂ emissions are reduced by around 400 tons per year, which leads to cost savings of 40% in this segment. “Thanks to the professional and agile support provided by 2G, the CHP plant already forms the foundation for the self-sufficiency and energy efficiency of the measures decided upon for the Schloss Montabaur campus,” says the responsible project manager of the E.M.E. Group, Mr. Berghammer.