Generating green energy from waste
The Danish landfill in Søholt Renseanlæg collects the waste produced during fermentation and converts it into electrical and thermal energy using 2G combined heat and power.
Facts & figures
Landfills and wastewater treatment
agenitor 404b
Output el/th (kW):
100 kWel/119 kWth
Silkeborg Spildevand A/S – Søholt Renseanlæg

Silkeborg Spildevand A/S – Søholt Renseanlæg - A sustainable energy supplier that takes care of the energy supply in the municipality.
In addition to a sewage treatment plant and various heating networks, the company also maintains a waste disposal site. This landfill is completely enclosed from the outside world with foil, so that the gases produced by the fermentation of the waste are captured and converted into heat and electricity in the 2G CHP plant.