Family company relies on 2G
Facts & figures

With a 175-year history and a diverse product portfolio, the Develey company is a well-known brand for mustard, ketchup, sauces and dressings as well as delicatessen.
As early as 2008, the Develey company set itself the goal of operating in a climate-neutral manner. It is therefore no coincidence that the company was named Germany's most sustainable medium-sized company in 2020. As one of the many measures, a biogas CHP was installed at the Dingolfing site.
The production of pickle slices, mustard and sauces results in contaminated water from the production process. The municipal sewage treatment plant cannot handle this large amount, which is why the water has to be cleaned on site at the production site.
This is one of the reasons why the Develey company operates its own sewage treatment plant. During the water treatment process, sewage gas is produced, which in turn can be used for the 2G CHP. A 100 cubic meter gas storage facility serves as interim storage for the sewage gas, from where the sewage gas is cleaned and desulfurized by the gas treatment system supplied by 2G. The cleaned sewage gas thus generates electricity and heat sustainably in the CHP. At the production site in Dingolfing there is an agenitor 404b with an electrical output of 100 kW and a thermal output of 110 kW.