Allgäu cattle farm relies on 2G
Facts & figures

The cattles are kept exclusively on pastures and fed only with hay and grass, which is noticeable in the excellent quality of the meat. In total, the Ziegler family owns around 75 animals, including 20 mother cows and 1-2 bulls.
The Ziegler family is also at the cutting edge when it comes to energy. As a replacement for a pilot-jet CHP plant, an agenitor 408 (320 kW electric/322 kW thermal) from 2G was put into operation in autumn 2022. As soon as the new transformer is delivered, the electrical energy will be fed into the public grid, and the surrounding houses and buildings will be supplied with heat. "I have not regretted my decision to use a CHP plant from 2G - I am very satisfied with the engine. I am currently planning to use 2G technology at another location as well," explains farmer Markus Ziegler.